Monday, December 10, 2012

Mr Goebbels please call your office...

The J.E.F. lies again about what is going to happen on January 1st.
 Surrounding himself by supporters he presented as typical middle-class taxpayers, Mr. Obama said he hoped to resolve the tax and spending issues now confronting Washington by an end-of-the-year deadline
He and his enablers in the LSM continue to lie about what will happen when the Bush era tax cuts, and the dangerous Simpson-Bowles Plan, both kick into gear next year.

He continues to sell the story of  "reasonable cuts" that he has proposed.  Really?  
And what are they?  
No really what are they?  
Can someone please show me what his plan is?

Just like ObamaCare, he has no plan, he just rides on the coat-tails of Congressional Aides and the K Street suits as they write the plan that spells the downfall of American Capitalism.

Four more years of Fascism!